Wednesday 6 June 2012

Transatlantic Adventure #1: Travelling

So, we've returned and are only a teensy bit jetlagged still after the Queen kindly gave us two extra days off to recover before heading back to work...

Rather than just doing a massive image-dump, I'm going to jumble up my photos and sketches and do a few posts over the next few days. Tune out now if holiday pictures don't interest you!

We started off with a flight from Heathrow to Seattle. 

Thankfully Nick works for an airline (can you guess which one...?) so after a bit of waiting around and biting fingernails...

...we had nice seats.

Due to the time difference, we had a policy not to go to sleep on the plane. Nick watched a lot of films.

I drew what I could see (mostly Nick, and increasingly erratically following all the Champagne) and relied on coffee and sugar to stay awake.

Eventually Seattle hove into view.

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